Evening Bell of the Long Stay


Evening Bell of the Long Stay
Print   (Part of the set: Taisho era subscription prints)



Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


This is a scene of the kabuki play titled "Futari Wankyu" (二人椀久), a tragic love story. In the play, a man named Wankyu and the courtesan Matsuyama fell in love but had no hope of living together.

The artist is Ippitsusai Buncho (一筆斎文調), and this image appears to be one of the series titled "Sugata Hakkei (すがた八景), which translates to "Eight Views of Appearance."

As the title of the poem is read "Itsuzuke no Bansho" (居続けの晩鐘), where Bansho means the end of the night, Wankyu reluctantly prepares to leave.

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