Hair Washing


Hair Washing
Print   (Part of the set: Taisho era subscription prints)

Suzuki Harunobu



Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


Two women are washing their hair: the woman on the left is married, and the one on the right is unmarried. In the Edo era, unmarried women tied their obi sash at the back until they got married.

With many irises in bloom, we can see that the season is late spring. Harunobu depicted the patterns of the kimono and obi sash in detail, making the image very attractive.

It is interesting to think about how most ladies took care of their hair back in that era (1600 ~ 1868), a time when many women carried very long hair. Since soap was not available to common people, they used ash, oil, flowers, or lye. There was, of course, no running hot water, so washing one's hair must have been a significant event.

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