A summer scene


A summer scene
Print   (Part of the set: Taisho era subscription prints)




Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


A woman is sitting and fanning herself with a hand fan (uchiwa), while another woman is adjusting the position of a pair of sandals (geta).

Behind them, a man is kneeling and leaning with his hand on his chin. A few chrysanthemum flowers are visible in the backyard, suggesting a scene of a hot and drowsy summer or early autumn day.

While we have no information about this print, including its publisher or artist, it is a very beautiful production - the fan and kimono patterns feature blind embossing techniques, and the brush lines drawn by the artist are faithfully reproduced in the final piece.

The seal appears to read "Shuncho 春潮", but we are not certain. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

Another Search

Kisen Hoshi