Genpei Nunobiki no Taki


Genpei Nunobiki no Taki
Senshafuda print   (Part of the set: Kabuki-related Senshafuda Set)


20.50 cm
17.00 cm


Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


The Heike warrior Saito Sanemori (played by Ichimura Uzaemon), from Sanemori Monogatari, the last scene of Act III of Genpei Nunobiki no Taki ("The White Cascade of the Genji Banner"), is pictured in dramatic profile in this print. In the lower-left panel is, of course, the Genji clan banner mentioned in the title. In Sanemori Monogatari, Sanemori recounts the story of when he and a group of Heike warriors came across a drowning woman who refused to let go of a Genji banner. Sanemori, who still felt loyal to the Genji clan, which he served in the past, killed the woman and cut off her arm to allow her to keep hold of the banner and prevent it from falling into Heike clan hands. A woman later "gives birth" to this lost arm and, when it is reunited with its body, the dead woman briefly comes back to life.

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