In this senjafuda, the character Miyuki (played by onnagata actor Kataoka Gado), blind from weeping after her lover disappears while out on business, plays the koto in a scene from Asagao Nikki ("The Tale of the Morning Glory"). On her fingers are fingerpicks for playing the koto, and her outfit sports an asagao (morning glory) pattern, which apparently started a trend for morning glory-patterned clothing and accessories for Japanese women in the 19th century.
Other prints in this set
Kabuki-related Senshafuda Set
Front Cover of the Album
Meiboku Sendai Hagi
Kuruwa Bunsho
Ichi-no-tani Futaba Gunki
Honcho Nijushiko
Katsuragawa Renri no Shigarami
Sanjusansho Kannon Reigenki
Asagao Nikki
Chikagoro Kawara no Tatehiki
Imoseyama Onna Teikin
Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura
Terakoya no Dan
Genpei Nunobiki no Taki
Sanjusangendo Munagi no Yurai
Sekitori Senryo Nobori
Hana no Kumo Sakura no Akebono
Giving Thanks
(Assorted senshafuda)
Back Cover of the Album