Snow Viewing


Snow Viewing
Print   (Part of the set: Imayō Bijin: Present-day Beauties)

Mizuno Toshikata
Akiyama Buemon


Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


The is a scene in December of an obviously well-off family. In front of the sitting lady we see a few books - one has just slipped from her lap. It seems she has been reading, gotten a bit tired, and opened the paper sliding door. A fresh cold breeze will fill the room, and she can enjoy the view of the beautiful snow-covered garden.

Just in front of the lady we see a long tobacco pipe with an orange pot beside it - the lid opened - for shredded tobacco leaves.

In order to print the tiny blue dot pattern of her kimono, the craftsman needed to carefully cut away the wood surrounding each and every dot, a very difficult and tedious task.

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