Imayō Bijin: Present-day Beauties


Imayō Bijin: Present-day Beauties
Print album

Mizuno Toshikata
Akiyama Buemon


Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


Containing twelve illustrations and one table of contents, this accordion-folding orihon album by Toshikata provides viewers with a look into the gentile pastimes of "modern beauties" of Japan. Graceful women of the late Meiji period are depicted reading, snow-viewing, gardening, and partaking in other elegant activities by Toshikata, whose specialty was, as we can guess from the prints, bijin-ga (illustrations of beautiful women).

The carving of the scenes is meticulous and the printing very carefully executed, and the attention to detail is particularly evident in the many colours and intricate patterns of the women's kimono. Considering the number of prints in the set, it seems probable that each print was designed to reflect a different month of the year.

The prints in this series were more commonly published as single sheets, not in the album format we have here (only a few copies of which can be located in library records). The fact that the prints all have the publisher's name and date of publication in the margin suggests that the publisher may have made and sold a few bound collections of (left-over?) prints such as this for clients willing to pay a little more.

The prints are signed "応需年方絵" (Ōju Toshikata e, "illustration by Ōju [Mizuno] Toshikata") in the block.

Prints in this album

Another Search

Surimono Albums
Sword and Blossom Poems