Uirō Uri


Uirō Uri
Print   (Part of the set: The 18 Most Famous Kabuki Plays)

Torii Tadakiyo
Hasegawa Sumi


Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


This print is the seventeenth in the Kabuki Jûhachiban (歌舞伎十八番, "The Eighteen Great Kabuki Plays") series of prints by the artist Kiyotada (also known as Tadakiyo). It depicts actor Ichikawa Danjûrô IX as Toraya Tôkichi in Uirô Uri ("The Medicine Peddler"), originally a scene in a kabuki play and later a kabuki play in itself. Uirô Uri was originally staged in 1718 at the Morita Theatre and starred Ichikawa Danjûrô II. For more information on the play, see this description.

In this print we see the uirô (herbal medicine) peddler Toraya Tôkichi, who is actually Soga Gorô Tokimune, son of Kawazu Saburô Sukeyasu, in disguise. He is in disguise in order to attack Kudô Saemon Suketsune, the important official who was responsible for his father's murder.

Nunomezuri, a technique in which a piece of actual cloth is "printed" using a woodblock, has been used on part of Toraya Tôkichi's costume, and karazuri blind-embossing is evident on his fan. Delicate bokashi gradation has been used in the eyes of the character, and the hairline has been very carefully carved. As with all of the prints in this series, the detailed karazuri in the background is also a highlight.

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