Sawamura Yodogorō Ⅱ and Bandō Zenji


Sawamura Yodogorō Ⅱ and Bandō Zenji
Print   (Part of the set: Tōshusai Sharaku Famous Actors)

Tōshusai Sharaku
Mainichi Newspaper


Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


Actors Sawamura Yodogorō II 二代沢村淀五郎 (right) as Kawatsura Hōgen 川連法眼 and Bandō Zenji 坂東善次 (left) as Oninosadobō 鬼佐渡坊.

This is the kabuki play Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura 義経千本桜, in which Oninosadobo tries to kill young Yoshitsune and Hogen protects the boy. (Some resources describe this as a scene from the play 'Koi Nyobo Somewake Tazuna’.)

The difference between the two characters is well defined by strong black lines of the mouth, eye brows, and hair, as well as through the shape of the noses and hands.

Yodogoro’s family crest Maru-ni-inoji is seen on his clothes. We are not sure about Bando Zenji’s crest on his clothes - it might be Hishi-ni-tsuru.

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Iwai Kiyotarō and Bandō Zenji
Suzuki Harunobu Famous Prints