Hokusai Reborn - Episode Two

Posted by Dave Bull on March 24, 2023 [Permalink]

Next YouTube video has just been uploaded - it's the second episode in what will be an extended series discussing the Hokusai Reborn series ...


The Screenplay: Scene 20

Posted by Dave Bull on January 21, 2023 [Permalink]

[Dave: perhaps because of the lengthy gap since our previous episode, I was logged out from the openai site. After getting back in, I found that the Bot seemed to have forgotten about our story, so I tried to create a 'catch-up' prompt to get back on track, giving it: "John is a foreigner living in Japan with his partner Mayu, and making woodblock prints. He has experienced many difficulties: trouble getting a visa to stay in the country, bad reviews at exhibitions of his prints, and rejection by Mayu's father, who is a famous printmaker. He and Mayu are discussing their future together. Create their conversation. Include something that will take this story in a new direction."]

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The Screenplay: Scene 19

Posted by Dave Bull on January 12, 2023 [Permalink]

The prompt to the Bot: A lawyer is having a conversation with an officer in the Japanese Immigration Bureau. The lawyer wants his client (an apprentice traditional woodblock printmaker) to be allowed to stay in Japan, but the officer wants to 'play by the rules' and disallow this. The lawyer needs to convince the officer. Show their conversation.

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The Screenplay: Scene 18

Posted by Dave Bull on January 10, 2023 [Permalink]

Dave: OK, I think I see how we might be able to move this forward. Let's try to 'push' it in the direction we might like to go, but keep 'hands off' and let it actually write the thing ... My next prompt gave some background information, and then set a scene:

John (an apprentice printmaker) and his partner Mayu are having dinner with a retired laywer, a friend of Mayu's father, Shinji (who is also a woodblock printmaker). The lawyer is telling them about the time many years ago when he helped Shinji with some difficult legal problems.

The Bot responded with:

* * *

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The Screenplay: Scene 17

Posted by Dave Bull on January 8, 2023 [Permalink]

[ Note from Dave: my prompt to the Bot this ...

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The Screenplay: Scene 16

Posted by Dave Bull on January 3, 2023 [Permalink]

John and Mayu sat together on the balcony of their ...

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The Screenplay: Scene 15

Posted by Dave Bull on January 2, 2023 [Permalink]

John and Mayu were sitting in the breakfast nook of ...

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The Screenplay: Scene 14

Posted by Dave Bull on January 1, 2023 [Permalink]

Shinji paced back and forth in his workshop, his mind ...

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The Screenplay: Scene 13

Posted by Dave Bull on December 31, 2022 [Permalink]

John and Mayu were sitting together on the floor of ...

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The Screenplay: Scene 12

Posted by Dave Bull on December 30, 2022 [Permalink]

John and Mayu had been working on the woodblock prints ...

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The Screenplay: Scene 11

Posted by Dave Bull on December 29, 2022 [Permalink]

The sun was setting on the horizon, casting a warm ...

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The Screenplay: Scene 10

Posted by Dave Bull on December 28, 2022 [Permalink]

John stood in the corner of the workshop, sweating nervously ...

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The Screenplay: Scene 9

Posted by Dave Bull on December 26, 2022 [Permalink]

John had been feeling the tension in the household ever ...

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The Screenplay: Scene 8

Posted by Dave Bull on December 25, 2022 [Permalink]


John and Shinji are walking through ...

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