Love that Rarely Meets


Love that Rarely Meets
Print   (Part of the set: Utamaro Famous Beauties)

Kitagawa Utamaro
Mainichi Newspaper

26.80 cm
40.70 cm


Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


In this print, titled Mare ni Au Koi, Utamaro depicts a young woman, possibly the daughter of a rich merchant family judging by her chic hairstyle and clothes, subtly gesturing to someone under the cover of her sleeve, probably a romantic interest whom she is unable to meet often. The elaborate designs on her collars are a highlight of the print. The print is from Utamaro's Kasen Koi no Bu ("Anthology of Poems: The Love Section") series originally produced in the 1790s.

Please refer back to the description of this set as a whole to find more information on other aspects of this print.

* * *

Quite a few years back, Dave made a reproduction of one of the prints in the same series as this one (mentioned above), and thought it might be interesting to produce a little quiz about the designs. That quiz is still online; if you would like to challenge your ability to 'see' what Utamaro saw, please give it a try!

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Another Search

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Cloth case