View from Mt. Atago


View from Mt. Atago
Senshafuda print   (Part of the set: Hiroshige Fans (8 Views))

Adapted from Hiroshige

19.00 cm
14.00 cm


Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


Some relieved hikers reach the top of Mt. Atago, one wiping the sweat from his brow, others kicking off their sandals and enjoying a refreshing drink whilst taking in the view from a shelter nearby. Some huge sails loom in the distance, enlarged to create a scene more pleasing to the eye. The katakana character "ヒ" is visible within a diamond shape in both of the lanterns in the shelter, matching the patterns of crests in the background of all of the prints in this series (produced by a senjafuda group based on Hiroshige designs). This crest may hint towards the name of the printing studio or the senjafuda group.

We're not quite sure just yet which print of Hiroshige's this design was based on, or if it was based on a single print at all. It seems possible that the image was created by blending different Hiroshige designs (such as this print and this print) together to produce a Hiroshige-esque illustration.

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