Hiratsuka ~ Yoshiwara


Hiratsuka ~ Yoshiwara
Senshafuda print   (Part of the set: Famous Products along the Tokaido)


5.00 cm
14.00 cm


Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


(Prints are numbered from right to left).

Print 5: Hiratsuka and Oiso. The delicacies in the upper section are special manju buns. In the lower section a man struggles to balance the famous toragoishi (虎御石) rock in Oiso. The legend goes that the courtesan Toragozen turned into the rock, and that only very attractive men can pick up it up, which is no doubt why the man in the picture is trying his best to keep hold of it.
Print 6: Hakone and Odawara. The delicacies in the lower panel are seared squid and sakura uiro (a rice-flour and sugar based traditional Japanese sweet flavoured with cherry blossom). In the upper panel we see a man admiring a cuckoo on a mountain in Hakone.
Print 7: Numazu and Mishima. The delicacy in the upper panel is dried bonito. In the lower panel a man seems to be asking about places to stay in Mishima.
Print 8: Hara and Yoshiwara. The delicacy in the lower panel is sweet white sake from Fuji. In the upper panel a samurai admires the pristine snow of a resplendent Mt. Fuji. The mountain appears to rise from the print thanks to some skillful printing.

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