Nihonbashi ~ Fujisawa


Nihonbashi ~ Fujisawa
Senshafuda print   (Part of the set: Famous Products along the Tokaido)


5.00 cm
14.00 cm


Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


(Prints are numbered from right to left).

Print 1: Nihonbashi. The first print of the series, and the start (and end) point of the Tokaido road. Ebisu, Japanese god of fishermen and luck, holds a sea bream and a woven platter-basket. The delicacies are nasubi (eggplant) and hatsu-katsuo (the first bonito of the season).
Print 2: Shinagawa to Kawasaki. The delicacy is pears from Tsurumi. In the upper panel two travelers enjoy the view.
Print 3: Kanagawa to Hodogaya. A man falls asleep while riding his horse. The delicacy is tortoiseshell-shaped kamenoko senbei crackers.
Print 4: Totsuka to Fujisawa. The delicacy is sato-tsuke (a term which usually refers to candied fruit, but which seems to have been used also to dish in which two types of mushrooms and a Saposhnikovia divaricata plant were "candied" with sugar). In the upper panel a woman seems to be pounding Nanakusa herbs.

Other prints in this set

Another Search

Famous Products along the Tokaido
Hiratsuka ~ Yoshiwara