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The Screenplay: Scene 6

Posted by Dave Bull on December 22, 2022 [Permalink]

Miyu stood in the middle of SHINJI's workshop, her hands planted firmly on her hips as she surveyed the tools scattered around the room. John stood beside her, looking slightly sheepish as he watched her.

"Your tools are too dull," Miyu said flatly, shaking her head. "It is the most important rule in this workshop that your tools are always sharp."

John nodded, his eyes widening as he took in the seriousness of her words.

Miyu pointed to a small stone wheel on the table. "You must sharpen your tools on this wheel," she said. "I will show you how."

John watched as Miyu expertly took a chisel and pressed it against the wheel, carefully guiding it in a circular motion. She showed him how to angle the blade just so and how much pressure to apply.

She then handed him the chisel and encouraged him to try it himself. He followed her instructions, the blade gradually becoming sharper and sharper until it was ready for use.

Miyu smiled proudly as he finished. "Now you can start carving your woodblocks," she said.

* * *

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