Shellfish and Sealife


Shellfish and Sealife
Matchlabel set


4.00 cm
6.00 cm


Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


A (probably) partial set of match label prints of images related to shellfish and sealife. From the sponsors' names, we can determine that the set was released by the Shichōkai (紫調会), an Osaka-based match label group, probably in the early Shōwa period.

While the sponsors' names are recorded in the following pages, please note that names "spelled out" in the Roman alphabet may not be exact, as these people were generally not well-known (so there is little information about them available), and Japanese names can have many different readings.

Please also note that this member of the Mokuhankan staff has a very limited knowledge of seashells and sea life, and that the descriptions are to be taken with a pinch of salt! If there are any seashell aficionados out there, send us an email with your corrections and we will update the page. Any help is most appreciated!

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