Two beautiful young ladies are sitting on either side of a koto instrument. The lady on the right is putting on finger picks for playing the instrument, and the other woman is browsing a music book titled ‘Collection of pieces for koto.’
The row of bridges placed under the strings of the koto create the appearance of descending geese.
Behind the sliding door we get a glimpse of flowering tree branches. As this tree looks like a bush clover this must be an autumn scene.
As with other prints in this series Harunobu carefully drew many details - delicate kimono patterns, grain of the koto instrument, finger shape and so on.
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Descending Geese
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Suzuki Harunobu Famous Prints
Twilight Snow of the cotton-stretching
Night Rain of the Tea Stand
Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand
The Evening Chime of the Clock
Returning Sail at the Towel Rack
Descending Geese of the Koto Bridges
Evening Glow of the Lantern
The Clearing Breeze from the Fans
Courtesan Flying on a Crane
A Young Woman in a Summer Shower
Toy Seller
The Heron Maiden