Item from the Mokuhankan Flea Market

Twelve Fan Designs (set of 12)

Size: 4.0cm by 6.0cm (1.57 in by 2.36 in) | Enlargement | Shipping Code: [S] ?

Designer: Unknown

Era: Pre-war | Currency: $ / £ /

Price: ¥ 10,000$ 81.00£ 61.75€ 73.25 [Item has been sold]

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Description: A set of match label prints in a landscape theme in fan shape, designed apparently by Hokuso Ujin (北総迂人 (also known as Takarada Nao (宝田直)). The set was produced in the summer of Showa 8 (1933). To the left of the date on the envelope we see the words noshi ("のし") in red. Noshi are traditional Japanese folded paper decorations affixed to presents, but here we we have the characters noshi instead of the paper decoration itself, making the "present" a little more casual. The title may read something like "暑中...綱山", but we are not quite sure ...

You might recognize these designs - some of them have been included in the Mokuhankan 2022 subscription series!

High-resolution images of these same prints can be seen over in the Mokuhankan Collection, where our own set is on display.

The prints are in good condition overall. It's also a bit rare for this set to have the original envelope.

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