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Grab bag ...

Posted by Dave Bull on May 22, 2018 [Permalink]

Just a few random photos this evening ...

We were moving some stuff around this afternoon down in the construction zone on the 1st floor, and came across this:

It's a ranma ... a structure of carved wood that must have been part of an old Japanese house at one time. Carvings like this were commonly installed in the area above a pair of sliding doors between two rooms, and this one must have made its way to an auction site after being removed during demolition.

Why is it here?

When we were first planning this construction project, we thought that such a carving might be a nice 'feature' to use in the entrance to the Print Party room:

But it turned out that the large air conditioner didn't leave enough room for this type of decoration, so we gave it up. Anybody out there have any use for it? (We have two of them ... they frequently come in pairs ...)

While we're here taking photos ... let's see how the Party room is coming along ... Aoyama-san has now got the main bench installed, along with the paper shelf above, and the cork board where the image samples will live:

The space below the bench will have the refrigerator for the cold drinks, and shelves for the supplies (alternate block sets, paper, brushes, etc., etc. ...)

And speaking of alternate block sets for the Print Parties, initial carving of the 'MicroWave' is done, and the first proof sheet has been pulled:

Some of the Twitch fans who watched me finish this off yesterday morning on the daily live stream seemed pretty excited about it finally getting to this stage (I think ...): "This came out really nice. That sucks. I'm going to have to book another trip to Asakusa ..."




Added by: Tony (YoureNowOnTV) on May 22, 2018, 11:51 pm

I didn't even realise you had a Blog page until I started watching todays Twitch VOD (May 23rd 2018). This is awesome. Thanks for putting it together and mentioning it in stream! The new 1st floor will be fantastic for the shop and Print Party participants (Try and say that three times quickly). :) Tony.


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