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Embossing a new print
Posted by Dave Bull on April 5, 2018 [Permalink]
We just received the latest batch of the newest Ukiyo-e Heroes print yesterday. This is 'The Dragon's Gift', a design that was part of our Kickstarter campaign last autumn. I'll post about the print itself shortly, but for now, here are a couple of photos showing how I put the embossing of the craftsman's craftspersons' names in place ...
We use polymer plates for doing this embossing. We have them prepared for us commercially, and have a complete set of name pairs - each of the four people who are carving for us, paired with all of our printers.
The combination on this one is Carver: Nagao / Printer: Kubota, and these are Ms. Yumi Nagao, who is a 'new face' with us and Mr. Kenichi Kubota, who has been doing print jobs for us for some years now.

I usually do this work in the morning, during the daily live stream:

You can see my laptop in the background, with the streaming software up and running. There is a chat window also there, where the comments from viewers are constantly streaming by ... it's sometimes very difficult to keep up with them!

That's the view from the other direction ... the camera running the live stream is visible, as is our stream 'mascot' - the owl who the Twitchers have dubbed 'Refrigerator' ... (it's a long story ...)
And here is the result ... a nice rich embossing of the names of the people who made this print!

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