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Ukiyoe Heroes - Work begins on Fox Moon

Posted by Dave Bull on October 3, 2012 [Permalink]

Work has begun on the second print in Jed's Ukiyoe Heroes series - the Fox Moon design. This evening I shot an 8-minute video showing how the design gets from Jed's original Photoshop file, down onto the surface of a blank cherrywood block.

Here's the scene of the crime:

And here's the result:




Added by: Mary on October 3, 2012, 6:32 am

As always a very interesting video,tomorrow I wont miss the "carving session".

Added by: Carole on October 3, 2012, 3:13 pm

Beautiful video. Why wood glue instead of Nori? Love the gampi but am wondering if one eschews the computer angle, one can 'draw' on it, then transfer the image.

Thanks again for posting these very informational videos.

Added by: Dave on October 3, 2012, 5:33 pm

I use wood glue because it is far stronger than nori. There are very thin lines on this drawing, and after cutting one side, I know that the paper would peel off at that point if I were using nori.

As for the gampi, you can certainly draw directly on it; as I mentioned in the video, that's the way it was done 'in the old days'. It's extremely thin and hard to handle, but makes a very gratifying hanshita.


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