Eight Views of Omi (match labels)


Eight Views of Omi (match labels)
Matchlabel set

Hiroshige (originally)

4.00 cm
6.00 cm


Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


A set of eight match label prints based on Hiroshige's well-known Omi Hakkei designs.

Top row (left to right):
Print one: "Evening Snow on Mount Hira" (Hira no Bosetsu, 比良暮雪). The sponsor is Yutani Hisayoshi (油谷久吉).
Print two: "Night Rain at Karasaki" (Karasaki no Yau, 唐崎夜雨). The sponsor is Minami Yoshijiro (南吉次郎).
Print three: "Autumn Moon at Ishiyama" (Ishiyama no Shugetsu, 石山秋月). The sponsor is Shirai Kosetsu (白井皎雪).

Middle row (left to right):
Print four: "Evening bell at Miidera" (Mii no Bansho, 三井晩鐘). The sponsor is the Kinhyo (or Nishikihyo) Kai (錦票会).
Print five: "Returning Sails at Yabase" (Yabase no Kihan, 矢橋帰帆). The sponsor is Kobayashi Masao (小林正雄).

Bottom row (left to right):
Print six: "Wild Geese Returning Home at Katata" (Katata no Rakugan, 堅田の落雁). The sponsor is Inoue Iwataro (井上岩太郎).
Print seven: "Evening Glow at Seta" (Seta no Sekisho, 瀬田夕照). The sponsor is Masada Fukumatsu (政田富久松).
Print eight: "Clear Breeze at Awazu" (Awazu no Seiran, 粟津晴嵐). The sponsor is Kanariya of Kyoto (京かなりや).

To learn more about Hiroshige's Omi Hakkei series, please click here.

* * *

The Omi Hakkei series was featured in one of the 'David's Choice' YouTube videos in May of 2019.

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