Item from the Mokuhankan Flea Market

Pleasure Boat

Size: 22.5cm by 32.0cm (8.86 in by 12.60 in) | Enlargement | Shipping Code: [L] ?

Designer: Katsushika Hokusai

Era: Early Showa | Currency: $ / £ /

Price: ¥ 7,000$ 51.00£ 40.75€ 47.25

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Description: This is an illustration that Hokusai drew for Kyo-Shi (humorous poem) book titled ‘Itako Zekku-shu’.

The two poems have similar meanings; the writer sighs because of her inability to wed her lover due to her status as a courtesan.

These beautiful courtesans might be comforting each other on a pleasant spring day.

Each poem is written in both Japanese and Chinese.

# Right poem is read: 縁と時節を待てとは 言えど 時節どころか 片時も

# Left poem is read: わしによう似た あのホトトギス 鳴いて明かして いるわいな

This particular print is a post-war reproduction by the Takamizawa Company.

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