Item from the Mokuhankan Flea Market

Asakusa's Specialty Seaweed

Size: 40.5cm by 28.0cm (15.94 in by 11.02 in) | Enlargement | Shipping Code: [L] ?

Designer: Keisai Eisen

Era: Mid Showa | Currency: $ / £ /

Price: ¥ 8,000$ 62.00£ 51.00€ 58.50 [Item has been sold]

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Description: This print is from a set "Beauties by Three Great Artists" which consists of 20 reproduction prints by three major beauties designers of the Edo period: Hiroshige, Kunisada, and Eisen, published by Yuyudo in 1975.

Eisen depicts a courtesan wearing a floral print kimono, she is biting a pile of tissues folded between her teeth, a gesture that can be suggestive. In ukiyo-e, the act of biting something usually implies emotional or sexual suppression; they also recall the onkotogami (lit. paper for the honorable act) used by courtesans and often found in shunga (erotic) prints. Next to her, there is a big paper lamp, she has her right hand inside it, and her left hand is holding probably the obi (belt) of her kimono.

The title of the print makes reference to the sea scene showing seaweed depicted in the window or painting behind the woman.

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