Item from the Mokuhankan Flea Market

Chinese Beauty

Size: 30.0cm by 19.5cm (11.81 in by 7.68 in) | Enlargement | Shipping Code: [L] ?

Designer: Terasaki Kogyo

Era: Taisho | Currency: $ / £ /

Price: ¥ 9,000$ 82.00£ 66.25€ 75.25 [Item has been sold]

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Description: This print is from the series, "The Nippon Mokuhan Gasui" (Masterpieces of old Japanese colour prints), a collection of reproductions of various themes and designs published around 1924.

The print features a woman wearing a dress under the shade of banana tree leaves. We cannot perceive it completely but she might be playing the lute, based on what she is holding in her hands she is probably grabbing a tortoiseshell plectrum used to pluck the strings of the musical instrument. The plectrum has a red string as in this other print also designed by Terasaki Kogyo where a woman is also holding a plectrum with a red string.

It comes with a description sheet in English and Japanese.

The top right corner is slightly creased.

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