Item from the Mokuhankan Flea Market

Sight After Snow

Size: 28.5cm by 22.0cm (11.22 in by 8.66 in) | Enlargement | Shipping Code: [L] ?

Designer: Shiba Kokan

Era: Post-war | Currency: $ / £ /

Price: ¥ 12,000$ 100.00£ 87.00€ 100.00 [Item has been sold]

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Description: Although it bears the signature of Harunobu, it is a fake work by his pupil, Shiba Kokan. Since Harunobu's bijin-ga (pictures of beautiful women) was so popular at the time that various painters imitated his style. In this print, the compositions featuring perspective in the style are dissimilar to Harunobu's style.

Despite the fact this work is not by Harunobu, the effective use of karazuri (embossing) on the snowman to create a rounded three-dimensional effect is especially remarkable in this print.

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