Item from the Mokuhankan Flea Market


Size: 54.5cm by 32.0cm (21.46 in by 12.60 in) | Enlargement | Shipping Code: [XL] ?

Designer: Torii Kiyomasu

Era: Post-war | Currency: $ / £ /

Price: ¥ 15,000$ 125.00£ 110.00€ 125.00 [Item has been sold]

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Description: Torii Kiyomasu worked in the very earliest period of ukiyo-e. Colour printing had not yet been invented, and this print is an example of a 'tan-e', an image in which black outlines are printed from a carved block and colours are added by hand.

This Adachi reproduction was made the same way, of course. Their information pamphlet records the following:

"Like the other Torii artists, Kiyomasu's primary focus was on Kabuki billboards, advertisements, actor prints, and other related material. Many scholars believe Kiyomasu to have been the younger brother or son of Torii Kiyonobu I, one of the founders of the school, or to have been an alternate art-name (gō) for the same man.

This print depicts the Kusazuribiki scene from the play Keisei Fuji no Takane, performed at the Ichimura-za theatre in Edo (Tokyo) in the second month of Kyöho 2 (1717), with Ichikawa Danzo (the central standing figure) in the role of Soga Goro and Otani Hiroji (at the left) in the role of Asahina. The print is signed and sealed by Kiyomasu in the lower right corner, and following the artist's seal is the seal of the publisher, Sagamiya, at Yushima Tenjin in Edo."

Note: Adachi folded the print once to fit it into their packaging, and the crease is still visible.

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