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'Arakawa' Print Almost Finished

Posted by Dave Bull on June 6, 2017 [Permalink]

Ayumi-san's work on the Hasui 'Arakawa' design has been coming along very well, and she has now finished the basic printing on a batch of 40 sheets. But ' they aren't ready for release yet, as we have a slight problem. This design is supposed to incorporate a final impression of rain falling over the scene, but the block set as we received it doesn't have a 'rain block'. (Actually it does, but it doesn't match this design - it's a kind of 'generic' rain block, intended for use with any design that needed it ') We want to do this properly, so there's nothing else to do but keep these in the freezer for a time, and get busy carving a new rain block to match - We'll keep you updated!





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