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Wrapping things up!

Posted by Dave Bull on January 31, 2014 [Permalink]

As you might expect, among the subscribers to our new Ukiyoe Heroes Portraits series are many people with an interest in computer gaming. They are - of course - our 'target market' if you think in such terms. So it shouldn't come as any surprise to learn that we have subscribers who actually work in the game industry:

Here's another one:

But it's not just game companies that provide refuge for our subscribers. We also have prints going out each month to some top companies in the tech field, like this:

... and this very nice address:

I always get a smile when I see this package going through our system, imagining that the name is a 'cover', and the package is actually going to the CEO's office ... :~)

But speaking of that last one - to the Cupertino address - I got an advertising email from Apple just yesterday, with an image that made me look twice. Our subscriber working there must have received his first Portraits print a couple of weeks ago, and when he opened the envelope, found our ribbon-wrapped package inside:

And I now suspect that he doesn't work in the CEO's office, but in the advertising department, because look at this photo from the Apple ad in my email!

Hey! That was our totally original and completely unique - never done by anybody else - idea!

(Not! But we're happy to be in such classy company!)




Added by: Albert A on January 31, 2014, 9:05 am

... and to round it out, you have at least one subscriber who works for Microsoft too! (I just don't send it to my office)

Added by: Marc Kahn on February 1, 2014, 2:24 pm

Old tech meets high tech! What an interesting combination!

Added by: Dave on February 1, 2014, 2:28 pm

All the Silicon Valley connections ... so where are my billions? (OK, OK ... I'd settle for millions ...)


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