New Patterns


New Patterns
Print album

Hakamada Sekka
Uchida Bijutsu Shoshi

22.00 cm
31.00 cm


Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


Dave gives the following description of this book in the Mokuhankan Catalogue:

"[This is a] beautiful book published [in 1936] with a title that might be translated as ‘Thinking About New Patterns’, containing patterns designed by Hakamada Sekka. Unlike many pattern books, this one does not seem to be specifically aimed at providing ideas for craftsmen in any particular genre - kimono design, pottery, etc. - but seems rather to have been aimed at a general readership. I say ‘readership’, but there is not a word of text in the entire volume; simply we see page after page of beautifully executed designs, laid out in absolutely perfect arrangements, and all conceived in a most ‘playful’ style. The book seems to have been conceived primarily as a purely decorative object, to either entertain or bring pleasure".

Dave has re-carved woodblocks for one peony design and one cherry blossom design from this book, and they have been printed by the Mokuhankan staff. Please follow the links above if you are interested in purchasing these prints (subject to availability) from the Mokuhankan online store.

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