Hizakurige : Stations 25 ~ 32


Hizakurige : Stations 25 ~ 32
Matchlabel print   (Part of the set: Tokaido Hizakurige)


4.00 cm
6.00 cm


Print is Public Domain; Photography is:   Creative Commons License


Top row (left to right): Print 25: Falling onto the ground after the bottom of the kago (palanquin) gives way in Kanaya. Print 26: Drinking too much and getting tricked by a witch at an inn in Nissaka. Print 27: Toppling over in the river at Kakegawa. Print 28: Discussing the Yoshiwara pleasure quarters with a man from Kyoto in Fukuroi.

Bottom row (left to right): Print 29: Momentarily splitting up, taking different roads at Mitsuke. Print 30: Being haunted by a "ghost" (a white piece of clothing on a laundry line) in Hamamatsu. Print 31: Having a cake stolen by a kite at Maisaka. Print 32: Removing a snake from the boat at Arai.

Other prints in this set

Another Search

Hizakurige : Stations 17 ~ 24
Hizakurige : Stations 33 ~ 40