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June Yokai Prints

Posted by on July 15, 2017 [Permalink]

This is late! At the end of June I was supposed to upload the next pair of Yokai Faceoff prints from that month! Well, here they are … better late than never.

They might need a bit of explanation - in the old image Kyosai is riffing on the ‘Magic Mallet’ usually carried by the character we know as Daikoku, who used it to drum up riches and good fortune. One suspects that the Yokai version might just as well be taking those things away!

And for Jed’s design this time, he has created a very sad-looking mobile ‘Yokai Shrine’ that skulks around town (Did I really see it move? Surely not …) hoping to catch donations …

As always, information on the series is here.





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