Mokuhankan Asakusa Shop

The best little woodblock shop in Tokyo!

Are you planning a trip to Tokyo? If so, then of course you'll be coming here to Asakusa ...

... so while you're in the neighbourhood, stroll over to Mokuhankan and check out some woodblock prints!

Our Shop

Our shop is on the south side of the famous 'Roku-dori', one of the most interesting streets in the Asakusa area of Tokyo.

Shop Information

The street address is: Asakusa 1-41-8, Taito-ku, Tokyo. Our phone # is 070-5011-1418, and the shop hours are 10:00 am to 5:30 pm (closed Tuesdays).

what3words gives every 3m x 3m in the world a unique 3 word address. This one describes the precise entrance of the building. Click here to learn more.

Access Map

It just could not be simpler to get here. From the main Kaminarimon Gate, head up through the Nakamise shopping street. Just before you get to Sensoji Temple, at the point where the shops on the left side end, turn left onto the famous Denpo-in Dori (street). Walk along, under the giant red Torii, and at the place where five streets join together, we are now five seconds away, on the left side of the main street right in front of you ...

Also, do you see the other train station - just to the left of us on that map above? That's the Asakusa Station for the new Tsukuba Express, which you can catch at Akihabara ... which is surely on your itinerary, no?

Dave's Schedule

Many of the viewers of our YouTube videos - as well as watchers of the Twitch streams - ask if/when Dave will be available in the shop. The current pattern is for him to be in Asakusa on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, spending the other days away (either in our Ome workrooms, or our off-site office). Thank you for your understanding.


Many visitors to our Asakusa shop ask the same question as they are leaving, "Where is a good place to eat around here?" Depending on who they ask, the answers will differ, but Dave has prepared 'The David's Choice Asakusa Restaurant Guide', a roundup of places that he frequently visits. [.pdf download]

One of the fans has added this Guide as a 'playlist' on Google Maps. (Thanks Bradley ... and @bottlepirate ...)

Other Attractions

Are there other interesting things to do in our neighbourhood? Yes, indeed! There is far too much to list here ... but this photo - showing the evening scene just a 5-second stroll from our front door - might just give you a feeling for what our neighbourhood is like!