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The Kunimasa print is ready!

Posted by Dave Bull on June 3, 2012 [Permalink]

Big day! Another printer joins the 'stable'! The Kunimasa actor print that Fujii-san has been working on recently was finished yesterday afternoon, and plenty of them are 'good to go'!

As we mentioned before, she printed them 'heads and tails' on strips of washi; this is because the blocks she is using were originally part of the Hanga Treasure Chest series, and those prints were made two at a time - printing two together, and slicing them apart when done. This time, Fujii-san used just one half of the block, then flipped the paper to make her second impression on any given sheet.

I have just finished uploading images and data to the Mokuhankan catalogue system, and the order page is now open. Prints of this size and type usually sit in our catalogue at $30 (postpaid), but as this is a 'debut', we're putting them up at $25 (for a while).

Her time here hasn't been all work though, as Fujii-san too is of course interested in our picnic spots, so yesterday she and I took a stroll along the river through what is becoming a pretty familiar area to our blog readers!

She's pretty good at spotting things - she saw this little guy (about a centimetre or so long, and who I totally overlooked):

(Don't miss the enlargement on that one ... the shot was taken looking straight down into the clear water ...)

When we got back to the workshop, we noticed that my neighbour Tamura san has been very 'delinquent' with his grass cutting this year (he hasn't been well, it seems), and we've got a nice patch of flowers that has never had a chance to grow before:

Zooming in ...

Let's hope he leaves his weed-whacker in the garage for a while!





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