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Breaking News ('slightly' edited)

Posted by Dave Bull on May 8, 2011 [Permalink]

Here is a report (slightly edited) from the news today:

[ Tokyo ] Four people were taken to hospital and a glass door smashed as a near-riot broke out at Tokyo's Mokuhankan store among crowds rushing to snap up the popular Senshafuda prints, according to press reports.

Angry consumers began rushing the store on Saturday afternoon after a Mokuhankan employee stepped into the crowd to push and beat people suspected of queue jumping, news reports said.

After the employee retreated back into the store, a crowd of consumers smashed the glass front door and shoved security guards as they surged forward in anger, the report said.

Consumers have lined up for hours at the Mokuhankan shop in Tokyo since the 'Spring 2011 Set', the initial release in the Senshafuda Collection, went on sale in the world's biggest print market.

Mokuhankan officials were not immediately available for comment when telephoned by media representatives.

Police were investigating the incident and have interviewed four people hospitalised with injuries, media reported.

Lines for the popular Senshafuda prints have grown so long that people have begun selling their places in the queue, while a secondary market has also developed with consumers reselling their prints for profit after leaving the store, the report said.

Late Saturday, the store posted a notice saying that queue jumping and the unauthorised sales of Mokuhankan products would not be tolerated, the paper said."

Now what do you think was 'edited' from the version of the story that actually ran? Perhaps I should have entitled this entry 'Broken' News!




Added by: Dave on May 8, 2011, 4:12 pm

The story before it was 'edited'? Read the original version here ...

Added by: Anita Cage on May 8, 2011, 5:07 pm

I would believe such popularity quite possible for Mokuhankan but never such incivility. Instead, I think there will be performance artists to entertain the customers waiting there and food vendors bringing beautiful small but perfect picnics at meal times. Everyone will buy several sets of every new issue of prints--as many as they need for gifts! Eventually, an arts community will grow up in Ome City . . .

I enjoyed your "Broken" News and look forward to this set of prints.

Added by: Marc Kahn on May 9, 2011, 1:45 am

So that explains it. There's an unruly group of people hanging around my mailbox. The mail delivery person has had to hire a team of bodyguards.

Added by: Preston on May 9, 2011, 2:43 am

nice touch with the Baren over the door.

Added by: Sharri on May 9, 2011, 2:58 am

I thought surely it would have something to do with the rush on sales of steel toed sandals over here. The story here is that so many toes were being stepped on and broken by those in line that they were all sending rush orders for these "queue safety shoes". I can see that I had better install a surveillance system on my mail box. Being rural has its disadvantages.

Added by: Dave on May 9, 2011, 5:16 pm

nice touch with the Baren over the door

Heh-heh ... After writing the first part of this, I couldn't resist!


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